Royal Maritime Shipping is all you need for exclusive transport, the fastest service time, and premium professional service.

Why Use Royal Maritime Shipping Courier Charter?

  • The professional cargo charter team of Royal Maritime Shipping leads the Cargo Charter sector with its medium- and long-distance, narrow- and large-body freighter fleet, and worldwide flight capacity.
  • Royal Maritime Shipping Charter can arrange flights to regions with no scheduled flights.
  • Royal Maritime Shipping Charter can transport your shipment to territories where there are scheduled flights but the aircraft type is not suitable for cargo.
  • Royal Maritime Shipping Charter can pass over restricted zones while transporting your shipment and can land easily in regions where many other aircraft have difficulty obtaining permission under normal conditions.

With its professional cargo charter team, the Royal Maritime Shipping Charter Department offers fast and thorough solutions for its customers. PROFESSIONAL:Our expert team listens to you, evaluates your request, and arranges the best flight for your needs under optimum conditions.
FAST:Our Cargo Charter Department moves quickly to expedite the entire process, from the charter request form to the delivery of the cargo.
HIGH-QUALITY:Cargo is handled, loaded/unloaded, stored, transported, and delivered to its consignee with the same top-level care the customer shows to its shipment.
SAFE:Top-level safety measures are implemented throughout the process, from the delivery of your cargo to our terminal, to its transportation via our aircraft, from storage to delivery to the consignee.
SOLUTION-ORIENTED: Cargo Charter examines the requirements of each customer, produces individual optimum solutions, and minimizes the costs of solution-oriented, fast, secure and high-quality service to maximize customer satisfaction.

When to Use Royal Maritime Shipping Courier Charter

When you have:

  • URGENT transportation needs,
  • ‘Must-go’ cargo where delay would result in material loss and severe sanctions,
  • Shipments to regions with no scheduled cargo flights,
  • Cases which require special aircraft, permission, etc. at the destination,
  • Any kind of special shipments,
  • Multiple consolidated shipments which must be sent in a single shipment,
  • Cargo Aircraft Only shipments which require special transportation procedures.

What Can You Transport on the Charter Flights in Addition to General Cargo?

  • Heavy and/or bulky shipments
  • Medical shipments like organs, blood, vaccines, etc.
  • Fresh products or perishable foodstuffs
  • Livestock
  • Dangerous and explosive substances
  • Valuables (money, gold, credit cards, precious stones)
  • Historical artifacts
  • Humanitarian aid materials
  • Yachts, cars and other motor vehicles
Heavy and Bulky Cargo

Our customer-oriented charter flight offers you the maximum convenience for shipments with much larger or bulkier cargo than the standard. You can ship your multi-piece cargo in a single shipment through our charter service and prevent the issues of standard transportation, like shipment of your cargo piecemeal, at different times, with different airlines and via different routes. In short, you will be able to deliver your cargo in minimum time.

Humanitarian Aid Cargo

For many years, Royal Maritime Shipping has been the most preferred and trusted carrier in delivering humanitarian aid sent by charity organizations, corporations, and governments to needy regions worldwide. Royal Maritime Shipping Charter is your ideal solution partner for regions and airports to which there are no regular airline flights. These shipments are delivered to regions in need as swiftly as possible.

Fresh Products and Perishable Foodstuffs

Requiring special expertise, the charter ships fresh products and perishable foodstuff to their destinations, while retaining their original freshness. Under the supervision of the Royal Maritime Shipping Charter team, the flight temperature is constantly regulated. When appropriate, products are stored in the Royal Maritime Shipping cold rooms until they go on board. They are boarded, transported and disembarked with the highest care. Please contact our Cargo Charter Department for your charter shipments of this product type.

Emergency Cargo

Your emergency cargo is delivered to its destination under the supervision of our expert team, through an optimized system that minimizes all documentation procedures and ensures the shortest delivery time. Royal Maritime Shipping Charter is your ideal solution partner for territories and airports to which there are no airline flights.

Dangerous and Harmful Substances

DGR cargo shipments require special expertise. Your DGR shipments are delivered to their destinations by the special DGR experts of our Royal Maritime Shipping Charter Department, under health and safety controls and through a premium handling service.

Live Animal Transportation

Live Animal such as horses, cats, dogs, chickens, baby chickens, etc. are transported to the airport in the requested region in the shortest time possible, in their own living temperature and under the supervision of our expert team. Royal Maritime Shipping Charter team has already proved its expertise with the arrangement of charter flights for a great number of race horses.

Fragile Cargo Transportation

Royal Maritime Shipping Charter offers the most sensitive service you expect for your fragile shipments. They are delivered by Royal Maritime Shipping Charter to their consignee s in the most careful way possible, with all necessary measures being taken for embarkation, transportation, and disembarkation.

Who is Royal Cargo Charter Services Suitable for?

  • Logistic firms,
  • GSAs,
  • Agencies,
  • Private companies,
  • Government agencies,
  • Charity organizations, etc.

Required Information for a Better Service

To enable us to provide you with the best service, the following information is important for the speed of your shipment:

  • Size of the cargo (tonnage and volume),
  • Destination,
  • Time of arrival and consignee information,
  • Special requirements (i.e., DANGEROUS GOODS, VALUABLES).