1) I want to send cargo from Royal Maritime Shipping to abroad/from abroad to Royal Maritime Shipping. What should I do?

For your cargo shipping from Royal Maritime Shipping to foreign destinations, you must contact the cargo agencies operating in Royal Maritime Shipping and affiliated with the IATA (International Air Transport Association), which will conduct the necessary procedures for customs, airway bill issuance, rates, packaging, etc. on your behalf. For your cargo shipping from abroad to Royal Maritime Shipping , you must contact our sales office in the relevant country.

2) Should I send my cargo as luggage with a passenger or as cargo?

You can get information on passenger luggage at +905449492872 (Ext: 15740).
Apart from luggage accompanied by passengers, cargo shipping to/from abroad is considered dutiable goods and requires customs procedures.
If departing from Royal Maritime Shipping , you must contact cargo agencies in Royal Maritime Shipping ; for those arriving in Royal Maritime Shipping , you must contact our contracted General Sales Agencies (GSA) abroad.

3) Do you transport cargo in passenger flights?

Royal Maritime Shipping  transports cargo to all domestic and foreign destinations in its schedule by cargo as well as passenger flights. For information on the passenger flight schedule, please

4) I would like to ship cargo from Royal to abroad, but Royal Airlines do not have direct flights to this destination. How can I send my shipment?

Royal Maritime Shipping  your cargo to every destination you require, by truck/flight connection from the destinations with direct flights. For more detailed information, please contact our Cargo Reservation Department.

5) Where should I apply for compensation claims related to lost or damaged shipments?

Royal Maritime Shipping For your compensation claims related to lost or damaged shipments, please contact Royal Maritime Shipping ’ Cargo Operation Control Department. You can also send an e-mail message to info@royalmaritimeshipping.com

6) What should I do to take delivery of cargo sent from abroad?

You can track your cargo online with its airway bill number or the date and number of the related flight. If your cargo has arrived, you must contact the Delivery Service of the Cargo department at the arrival point with your certificate of receipt (letter of proxy, written certificate from your company, identity information, etc.).

7) Where is cargo transported on the aircraft?

Royal Maritime Shipping is transported in the same compartment with the passenger’s luggage.

8) Do you have any service that enables me to track my cargo for 24 hours per day?

Thanks to the Dial Cargo service, you can track your shipment fast and safely, 24 hours per day, and get information on the cargo you have sent or you will receive. Please use your airway bill number to track your shipment at any time.
TELEPHONE: Dial Cargo: +905449492872
ONLINE: You can access our website at https://royalmaritimeshipping.com/track-form and the Cargo Tracking section and track your cargo with your AWB number.

9) Can I take delivery of a shipment sent from abroad in my name?

NO; since dutiable cargo requires customs procedures, only the individual whom you have appointed your agent, can take delivery of your dutiable cargo.

10)May I take my cargo destined to Royal from the warehouse during the hours out of normal working hours?

Ataturk Airport Cargo Customs Management is open between 8 am and 5 pm on weekdays. Therefore you can only take your cargoes on weekdays during these hours

11) When do I have to take my cargo at the latest? Is there any penal clause for receiveing late?

Below mentioned prices are collected for cargo destined to Royal Maritime Shipping as of the moment goods are entered into the warehouse. Besides a service fee of Great BritishPoung 0.0135 is collected per kilogram in addition to the total price.

12) Can I insure the shipments that I send via Royal Cargo?

It is not obligatory to insure the domestic or international cargo shipments with Royal Maritime Shipping.| Royal Maritime Shipping Cargo does not incorporate an insurance service. Our customers who wish to insure their cargo should contact private insurance companies.

13) What are the flight temperatures for perishable goods?

Flight temperatures for perishable goods depending on the aircraft type. There is not a constant temperature practice. For detailed information please contact the following e-mail address:

14) Is transportation at – (minus) ºC possible in the flights?

No. Frozen cargo is transported within proper packages, by using dry ice, ice battery or watery ice.

Domestic Cargo Shipping

1) How can I send my shipments? Do you pick them up at my office?

Since our service is airport-to-airport, you must deliver your cargo at the cargo department at the airport in your city and take delivery of it at the airport in the arrival point.

2) Do you have domestic cargo flights?

Our domestic cargo shipping is via scheduled passenger flights.

3) When should I deliver the cargo?

You must deliver your cargo at least one hour and thirty minutes prior to the departure time of the flight on which your shipment will be sent.

4) How long does it take for our shipments to be delivered to the recipient?

Shipments can be delivered to the recipient within approximately one hour after the arrival time of the scheduled flight.

5) Which documents are required for taking delivery of the shipment?

For shipments sent to an individual, the identity card, the driving license or the passport of this individual must be submitted. For shipments sent to a company or business, a certificate of authorization, written on the letterhead of the company, must state that the individual who will take delivery of the cargo has been duly authorized by the related company.

6) Can I send valuable documents as cargo?

We do not transport documents with declared value on it (checks, warrants, bonds, etc.) or valuable materials and items made of valuable materials.

7) Can I send cash-on-delivery (COD) cargo?

Royal Maritime Shipping is paid cash on shipment (COS) (by cash or credit card).

8) When I bring you cargo, do you package it?

You have to deliver your cargo within a package of proper quality and size.

9) How do you price domestic shipments with customs-entry connections?

You must call the domestic cargo department to determine the fee for this type of cargo. The fees on the website apply to normal domestic shipments.

10) Should we make a reservation for domestic cargo shipments?

No reservation is required for domestic shipments.

11) What information/documentation do you request when I bring you my cargo?

If the sender is
*an individual, first and last name, identity card number
*a company, the trade name, tax office and number

Cargo Rates

1) I want information on domestic cargo transportation rates.

You can find out the domestic cargo rates online from the inquiery page.

2) I represent a company operating in Royal Maritime Shipping and I want to send a shipment from Royal to a foreign destination. What are your rates for international cargo shipping from Royal Maritime Shipping to abroad?

Please contact our IATA cargo agencies for every type of shipping. For the phone and fax numbers of the IATA cargo agencies, please Contact us

3) What are the rates for cargo transportation from another country to Royal?

For cargo arriving in Royal Maritime Shipping, please contact our contracted General Sales Agencies (GSA) abroad. For contact information of our General Sales Agencies (GSA), please 

Cargo Delivery

1) How can I track my cargo coming from abroad?

To get information on your shipment, you must know its airway bill number. With the airway bill number, you can get detailed information on your shipment from the Royal Maritime Shipping Delivery service or website.

2) Where and how can I obtain the documents related to my shipment?

You can get the documents related to your shipment from the Royal Maritime Shipping Service at the Atatürk Airport cargo terminal. The documents are delivered only to individuals authorized by the receiving company, upon presentation of the authorization certificate control and payment of the related charges.

Funeral Transportation

1) I want to transport a human remains from abroad to Royal. What should I do?

All types of funeral transportation from abroad are made through agencies. For detailed information on this matter, please contact the agencies abroad.

2) I want to transport human remains from Royal to abroad. What should I do?

Any type of transportation for human remains from Royal Maritime Shipping to abroad must be made through agencies. For detailed information on this matter, please contact the authorized agencies in Royal Maritime Shipping.

3) I want to transport a human remain within domestic lines. What should I do?

The death certificate issued by a hospital must be submitted. The humain remains to be dispatched inside coffins during international flights of the Association are admitted as placed inside a metal zinc or lead coffin or robust wooden coffin, which must be wrapped inside a linen bag/tarpaulin cover. If the reason of death is infectious disease, Human remains must be ensured to be shipped in an embalmed leak proof wooden coffin. Death certificate must be attached to Air Waybill and it must contain following information of dead body;

  • Name and surname
  • Place and date of birt
  • Place and date of death
  • Death cause
  • Information if dead body has an infectious contagious, communicable disease or not.
4) What are the fees for domestic human remains transportation?

US Dollar 150.

5) How long does it take to take deliveries of the human remain?

The human remain is delivered within 30 to 45 minutes after the arrival time.

Damaged Cargo/Compensation

1) My delivered cargo is damaged. What should I do? Where should I apply?

For domestic cargo shipments: The company or individual who is authorized to take delivery of the cargo must apply to the Royal Maritime Shipping offices in writing,
1. Immediately after the damage has been determined and within 14 days after the delivery,
2. within 21 days after the delivery, in cases of delayed delivery,
3. Within 120 days after the issuance of the domestic air receipt, in cases of failed delivery.
(If the recipient avoids accepting the air receipt or the cargo or if he/she cannot be duly notified, the sender will again have the right of disposition.) Detailed information on domestic transportation rules is available on the back page of the Royal Airlines Domestic Air Cargo Receipt.

For international cargo shipments:

The company or individual authorized to take delivery of the cargo must apply to the Royal Maritime Shipping offices or the Cargo General Sales Agencies representing the Royal Maritime Shipping in writing,

  1. Immediately after the damage has been determined and within 14 days after the delivery,
  2. Within 21 days after the delivery, in cases of delayed delivery,
  3. within 120 days after the issuance of airway bill, in cases of delayed delivery or of failed delivery.

Detailed information on international transportation rules is available on the back page of the Royal Maritime Shipping Airway Bill.

2) I want to make a compensation claim. Which documents are required?

1. Letter of claim issued, signed and stamped by the receiving/sending firm/individual or firm/individual authorized by them, as recorded on the airway bill (letter of claim should clearly describe the problem, the reason for the claim, and the amount claimed)
2. Master Airway Bill
3. House Airway Bill
4. Purser’s Report
5. Commercial Invoice (except for personal belongings)
6. Packing List
7. Authorization Certificate (if the compensation claim is laid by third parties)
8. Certificate of Release (if the compensation claim is laid by insurance companies)

Live Animals

1) I would like to travel with my pet/to send my pet as a cargo from Royal Maritime Shipping to abroad/from abroad to Royal Maritime Shipping/in my domestic line trip within Royal Maritime Shipping. What should I do?

Royal Maritime Shipping to other countries: You must contact the Passenger Reservation Department if you want to travel on the same flight with your pet. You must contact the cargo agencies affiliated with IATA (International Air Transport Association) if you want to send your pet as cargo via a scheduled flight, since such cargo shipments are subject to customs duty and require the customs processes, issuance of airway bill, pricing, packaging, etc. by an individual authorized by you.

From abroad through Royal:

You must contact our sales offices in the relevant country, if you want to travel in the same flight with your pet or to send your pet as cargo via a scheduled flight.

In a domestic line trip within Royal:

You must contact the Reservation Department if you want to travel on the same flight with your pet. Your pet will be shipped by the Domestic Lines Cargo as domestic cargo via the first available flight.

2) Can I send as cargo my domestic rabbit or bird?

We can only transport cats, dogs (except for certain species), frogs, leeches, bees, tortoises/turtles, transportable in multiple containers, birds, crawfish, crayfish, etc. which are identified as food and seafood items according to Tact 2.3. More information visit our special cargo page. Contact special cargo department and origin stations for more informations.

3) Are there any species of dog which are forbidden on the aircraft for cargo shipment?

The transportation of some aggressive dogs is forbidden, because these animals are difficult to deal with in the case of an emergency. These are:
* American Pit-bull Terrier
* American Staffordshire Terrier
* Bull Terrier
* Staffordshire Bull Terrier
* Japanese Tosa
* Dogo Argentino
* Doberman
* Rottweiler

5) How can I transport my one-month old puppy?

The animal must be at least two months old.

6) If I send my dog as cargo, do you feed it?

Sufficient food and water with feeding instructions are given to the animals delivered for transportation, considering the time from the departure to the arrival. Their needs are met accordingly.

7) Does Royal Airlines transport living animals in all types of aircraft?

Acceptance of live animals depending on the aircraft type and cargo density specifications. More information visit our special cargo page. Contact special cargo department and origin stations for more informations.

Frequently Asked Questions by GHA and Answers

1)Which SITA address FFM message should be sent to?


2)Will the FFM message be sent even if there are no cargoes on routine flights?


3)What should be the correct FFM message format?

The message should be sent in the form of FFM/8 and appropriate to IATA.

4)What are the most common mistakes in FFM messages we send ?

Spaces between lines. There are more than 15 characters /letters in the nature of good part. Writing of SCC shortly after the nature of goods. Sending FFM messages lately.

5)Our system is not suitable for sending FFM. What should we do for this subject ?

You can use to COMIS

6)We are sending messages via Web TELEX . Does it create any problem?

There is a problem with the messages sent via Web TELEX. Comis disrupts the structure of the message sent via Web TELEX. We have an error log about the subject and will resolve it as soon as possible